Demonstrate, commissioned by the Whitney Museum, set up a state-of-the-art robotic webcamera over UC Berkeley's Sproul Plaza, birthplace of the Free Speech Movement. For six weeks, the camera was accessible to anyone on the Internet. Online participants shared remote control of the camera, allowing them to zoom in to frame and photograph activity in the Plaza at any time of day or night.

The project, timed to coincide with the 40th Anniversary of the Free Speech Movement, attracted over 4000 participants from around the world. This is an archive of their 1200 photos and textual comments.

The short essays below are an initial sample of perspectives. For information on contributing an essay, please contact goldberg at

Demonstrating the Everyday:
Surveillance Beyond Fear or Embrace

Irene Chien, PhD. student in Film Studies, UC Berkeley
Online Inquiry and the Demonstrate Project

Jane McGonigal, PhD. candidate in Performance Studies, UC Berkeley
Following Vito Acconci:
Demonstrate's Public Art Precedents

Kris Paulsen, PhD. candidate in Rhetoric, UC Berkeley